Friday, October 19, 2007


Gray ton Beach Neighborhood Association By-laws
Effective: March 1, 2000

Article I - Name: The name of this organization is The Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association, hereafter referred to as the Association. Grayton Beach is defined as area represented by the following boundaries: County Road 30-A to the North, the Gulf of Mexico to the South, Grayton Dunes State Park to the West and Grayton Beach State Park and Western Lake to the East, excluding the community of Lake Place at Grayton Beach.

Article II - Purpose & Objectives: To represent the majority view of Association members regarding future development, neighborhood improvements, local issues and environmental concerns, and to communicate with Association members regarding relevant issues.

1. To provide a vehicle for discussion and communication regarding issues of common concern to the Association members.
2. To promote the quality of the neighborhood within its boundaries.
3. To work with Walton County in the enforcement of The Comprehensive Plan.
4. To work with county and state government, and other organizations in areas of mutual interest that affect the quality of the neighborhood as well as the surrounding area.

The Association will not:
1. Recommend or support a design review board.
2. Support any effort to change property owner's ability to rent or lease current or future properties that conform to ordinances then in effect.
3. Try to restrict existing residential or commercial properties being used in conformance with current law.

Article III - Membership
1. Any person or legal entity owning property in the area defined above as Grayton Beach is eligible to become a member of the Association.
2. The rights of membership shall be dependant upon the payment of annual membership dues. Such dues to be established by the Association Board of Directors.
3. Each lot (as recognized by Walton County) shall be entitled to one (1) vote regardless of the number of owners of said lot.Grayton Beach Neighborhood Association By-laws

Article IV - Association Meetings
1. Annual Meeting: There shall be a membership meeting held in April of each year. The Board shall determine the date, time and place of the meeting.
2. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors upon written request of 25% of the members. Such written request shall be presented to the President of the Association. Special meetings shall be held in a public place at a day and hour as designated by the President and stated in the notice of such meetings.
3. Notice of annual and special meetings shall be sent out by mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be sent out by mail at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
4. Quorum: The presence at the meeting, in person or by numbered, written proxy of members entitled to cast 50% of the votes shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of normal business. For all other matters such as any action or position before a governmental body on behalf of the Association there will be required a simple majority of all Association votes.

Article V - Directors and Officers
1. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall consist of 7 members. Each Board member shall be a member of the Association. Board members shall be elected at the annual meeting by those members present at the meeting plus by written numbered proxy from those members voting by mail. The seven candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the Board. At the initial annual meeting 3 directors will be elected to I-year terms, and 4 directors will be elected to 2-year terms. All subsequent elections will be for 2 year terms, thereby allowing for continuity from year to year.

2. Officers: The officers of the Association shall be as follows: President; Vice-President; Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected from and by the Board of Directors at their first meeting after their election.

3. Duties of Officers:
a. The President shall preside at meetings; keep the Board informed of all affairs pertinent to the business of the Association; call special meetings; appoint committees with the consent of the Board; act as member, ex officio, of all committees; and see that the affairs of the Association are handled in a businesslike manner.
b. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall perform the duties of the President when the President is absent.
c. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all meetings of the Association and shall have general charge of the records of the Association.
d. The Treasurer shall collect any membership dues required; maintain an appropriate accounting; and otherwise report to the Board.Gray ton Beach Neighborhood Association By-laws.

4. Board of Directors Meetings: In addition to the annual meetings the Board shall hold meetings at such regular intervals as the Board may determine. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

5. The Board shall have the general power to act for the Association in the conduct of normal business - the Board may take a position representing the Association before any governmental body without a vote of the Association if by unanimous board member vote, the board deems immediate action is needed and in the best interest of the Association.

6. If the office of any Board member becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, or otherwise, a majority of the remaining directors will choose a successor who shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members of the Association.Article VI - Amendments. These By-laws may be amended at the annual meeting of the membership. Any amendments will require a simple majority of all Association votes.

Article VII - Finances The Association shall not be operated for profit and shall be operated for the purposes set forth in Article II.

Article VIII - Liability No officer or member of the Association shall be personally liable for acts or omissions of any officer or member other than himself/herself whether or not such act was in performance of official duties. No officer or member of the Association shall obligate the Association, by contract or otherwise, to perform any act or to incur any liability without prior authorization of the Board of Directors.

Article IX - Inspection of Books and Records Any member of the Association shall be entitled to inspect the Association's books and records at any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors or of the membership upon furnishing written notice to the President at least 5 days prior to such meeting.

Effective: March 1, 2000
Changed: May 3 ,2010